
The Massachusetts Math Modeling Jam (M3J) will be happening from June 6-12 during TouchTomorrow week. We'll break down each day below.

Sunday, June 6

We will go over math modeling as a whole in our kickoff video. The video will be released at 10 AM on Sunday and is available at our website here, and on TouchTomorrow here. There is no challenge for this day.

Monday, June 7

We will go over the intersection of math modeling and ecology. The video will be released at 10 AM on Monday and is available at our website here, and on TouchTomorrow here. There math modeling challenge and submission link will be released at 10 AM at our website here. You will have until 10 AM on Tuesday, June 8 to submit your response. The first 100 responses will be considered for the awards ceremony on Saturday.

Tuesday, June 8

We will learn about the role of math modeling and transportation. The video will be released at 10 AM on Tuesday and is available at our website here, and on TouchTomorrow here. There math modeling challenge and submission link will be released at 10 AM at our website here. You will have until 10 AM on Wednesday, June 9 to submit your response. The first 100 responses will be considered for the awards ceremony on Saturday.

Wednesday, June 9

We will delve into machine learning and math modeling. The video will be released at 10 AM on Wednesday and is available at our website here, and on TouchTomorrow here. There math modeling challenge and submission link will be released at 10 AM at our website here. You will have until 10 AM on Thursday, June 10 to submit your response. The first 100 responses will be considered for the awards ceremony on Saturday.

Saturday, June 12

We will close out with an award ceremony and info session on the Massachusetts Academy of Math and Science. The webinar will be released at 10 AM on Saturday and will be available at our website here, and on TouchTomorrow here. We will contact award recipients via email and will publish several participant solutions on our site. This is voluntary; you can indicate if you would not like your solution/name to be featured on the submission form.